Monthly Archives: December 2011

Gearing up For RedHat Enterprise Linux 7

The next major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux isn’t scheduled for general availability for another couple of years, making this the right time for Red Hat to get started on its development. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 is

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

Installing software from RPM packages from command line

Learn how to install software from RPM packages in Linux. You’ll also learn how to upgrade, remove and administer the RPM packages on your system.  What is RPM > RPM stands for Red Hat Package Manager. However, these days RPM isn’t

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

Get Windows 7 Like Gadgets for Ubuntu,Mint

Ever thought that are there any gadgets / widgets like Windows 7 for Linux Mint or Ubuntu so the answer is yes .Gadgets are called Screenlets not Google gadgets  .I prefer Screenlets as they are for linux primarily also they are

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

Gnome Shell Extensions Website launched

GNOME Shell got support for one click extensions installation starting with version, but the GNOME Shell extensions website wasn’t ready until yesterday, has finally been launched as public alpha. For now, you can only install extensions using Firefox, through a browser plugin

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

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