Monthly Archives: March 2012

Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 3.2 is Released

Ultimate Edition 3.2 was built off Ubuntu 11.10 ‘Oneiric Ocelot’. All updates fully upgraded, old kernels purged, new initrd and vmlinuz rebuilt. Ultimate Edition 3.2 is unlike any Linux distro I have seen. Ultimate Edition 3.2 has GNOME 3, GNOME

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

Install Linux Deepin Gnome Extensions DGSE on Fedora16 / Ubuntu 11.10

Linux Deepin is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that uses a highly customized GNOME Shell as the default desktop environment. It was initially created for Chinese users only, but there are now different ISO images for both Chinese and English

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

Best Educational Linux Distributions for Students

Linux distributions are used by users which are mostly programmers or students studying computer science ,programming in language.So these are list of some good linux distributions based on famous distributions like ubuntu,opensuse,fedora…    1.openSUSE 12.1 Edu Li-f-e openSUSE Education team is

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

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