Monthly Archives: April 2012

Kubuntu 12.04 LTS Released..

Kubuntu 12.04, a new version of an Ubuntu variant featuring the KDE 4.8.2 desktop, is out: “The Kubuntu community is proud to announce the release of 12.04 LTS, the ‘Precise Pangolin’: the new Long-Term Support version of our friendly operating

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Ubuntu 12.04 Released!!

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin (Long Term Support) Release is a first Release with 5 year support for both server and desktop edition.Earlier Ubuntu LTS releases had support for only 2 years .Ubuntu 12.04 includes its usual Unity Desktop with

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Linux Mint Debian 201204 released

Clement Lefebvre has announced the release of Linux Mint 201204 “Debian” edition: “The team is proud to announce the release of LMDE 201204. This release features three of the best Linux desktops available at the moment: The traditional and functional MATE 1.2 desktop, the innovative and beautiful

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Ubuntu 12.10 to be Codenamed : Quantal Quetzal

The development codename of an Ubuntu release takes the form “Adjective Animal”. Initially these weren’t in alphabetic order – until Dapper DRAKE (6.06) that is. Mark Shuttleworth has just announced the codename for the upcoming Ubuntu release: Ubuntu 12.10 will

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Linux Mint 13 to be codenamed Maya

Linux Mint 13 will be named “Maya” and should be available at the end of May 2012. The codename was chosen a long time ago, after my daughter’s name who was named Maya in reference to: The Maya civilization The fictional Maya

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Install MATE Desktop on Fedora 16 / Fedora 17

In one of my previous posts ,there was post to install mate desktop on ubuntu, there was mistake that Fedora comes default with mate Desktop environment was not possible to install mate desktop on Fedora as it was mostly packaged

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Linux Mint Debian Update Pack 4 Released (Cinnamon, GNOME Shell And Mate Included)

                    Linux Mint Debian Update Pack 4 is finally considered stable and is now available for all LMDE users. The update replaces GNOME 2 with GNOME Shell (although it’s possible to “freeze” LMDE

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