Monthly Archives: November 2013

Install Cinnamon Desktop on Ubuntu 13.10 [Bonus Cinnamon Spices Pack]

Cinnamon Desktop by Linux Mint team has nicely evolved from its first release in Linux Mint Katya to now. Linux Mint lately released the Cinnamon Desktop 2.0 which is now fairly compatible with Ubuntu Unity Desktop with no more glitches.If

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

How to Login (GUI) as Root in Ubuntu 13.10

In Ubuntu by default root login is disabled, you can perform administrator privileged actions using sudo. To Graphically Login as root in Ubuntu 13.10 you have to change some lightdm configurations files Open terminal and type or copy paste the

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

Install and Run Google Chrome as Root in Cent OS 6.1/6.2/6.3

At my office I use Cent OS 6.2 x86_64 . I am not a big fan of Mozilla Firefox no offences. I personally favour using Chrome as my default web browser. Even though Firefox is open source and is readily available through default repositories of most

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

Auto Mount NTFS Problem with Windows 8.1 DualBoot Linux

Windows 8.1 was recently released for public.I updated my Windows 8 laptop to Windows 8.1 last week . After updating to Windows 8.1 and booting into Ubuntu, I tried mounting my windows data partition of NTFS and got this error.

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Posted in Linux, Uncategorized

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